Butyl Liquid Rubber

Benefits of Butyl Liquid Rubber

There are many options available for roof coatings. However, this does not mean that all of those options are equal and can provide the same benefits. You want to be sure that you are getting the best possible roof sealant for your home, and this means you want to choose Butyl Liquid Rubber.

butyl liquid rubber

Save Money and Time

This coating can provide you with savings of time and money. Consider the fact that with most elastomeric systems on the market, you need to have a primer and a base coat followed by a final coat. This means you would have to spend more on the product since you have to use more, and that you would have a much heavier end-product on your roof. That is a lot of useless weight.

When you choose Butyl Liquid Rubber, you will not have to worry about using the primer. This means the overall weight of the coating will be less, and you won’t have to use as much of the material to cover the roof. Naturally, this will save you money, as well as time since you don’t have to worry about priming.


A Smooth and Seamless Surface

When you put the Butyl Liquid Rubber onto your roof, you will find that it can work with any shape, whether it is horizontal or vertical. When it completely cures, it will provide a smooth surface that doesn’t have any seams in it. Not having any seams is great because it means you no longer have to worry about seam repair and inspections.

Long-Lasting Coverage and Protection

When you add a coating to the roof, you want it to last. You want to be sure that you don’t have to spend a lot of time worrying about any holes or tears that could cause problems down the line. You will find that with this solution, you don’t have to worry about any problems. There will be virtually no maintenance needed thanks to the quality of the product.

Butyl Liquid Rubber Works with Many Types of Roof

When choosing a coating for your roof, you always want to be sure that it will work well with the type of roof you are covering. Fortunately, Butyl Liquid Rubber will work well for a wide range of roof types. This includes weathered aluminum, EPDM rubber, fiberglass, acrylic sheets, weathered vinyl, polyurethane models, and more. It can even be used on roofs that were coated with a third-party coating.

You Can Do It Yourself

When you opt to choose Butyl Liquid Rubber for your roof, you will find that you have a couple of options on who to apply it. You might want to hire someone to handle it for you. In those cases, you can simply buy the product and let the other person take care of applying the sealant for you.

Of course, there is also the option of doing it all on your own. This can be a good option for those who might want to save some money. Applying the sealant is easy, but you do want to be sure that you follow the directions. Namely, you want to make sure you use enough of the material and that you clean your roof before applying it. The rest is quite easy. It should be waterproof after about three to four hours on the roof. This means that once you have it applied, you should be safe from any further rain that could damage the roof.

As you can see, there are many benefits to choosing Butyl Liquid Rubber. It’s an ideal solution for many roofs today.